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Welcome to Safe Harvest Bangladesh.

Safe HarvestĀ  Bangladesh. is an Agrobased Company deals with Crop Protection Chemicals, Seeds & Fertilizer. The Research & Product Development, product promotion, marketing & sales are managed by a Group of dedicated experienced Agriculturist along with other graduates from various discipline. We have well spread Distribution System with 15 Offices in strategic position with required infrastructure to serve the farmers at the door step. Safe Harvest Bangladesh. came into being in the year 1982 and established itself as one of the quality product provider in Agricultural sector.

Crop Protection Chemical i.e. Pesticides is one of the vital inputs required for farmers for protection of Crops from insects, diseases and weeds. Currently about 36% of the total cultivated land is under pesticides coverage. Pesticides is used both in Plantations (Tea & Rubber) and field crops i.e. Rice, Wheat, Sugarcane, Jute, Banana, Mango, Litchi, Vegetable and Spices as a pre-harvest control and in stores for post-harvest control. Pesticides are restrictive products and its import, use and distribution are controlled and supervised by the regulatory authority DAE under the Ministry of Agriculture. A marketing company can only import and market the product which is specifically been screened, tested, approved and provided with a Registration Certificate by the regulatory authority of Ministry of Agriculture. Of date Safe Harvest BD has 64 products Registered in their name and a number of other is in the Pipeline for Registration.

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