Our Principals

Our Principals

Our principals/origin of products/suppliers:

  1. Asiatic Agricultural Industries Pte. Ltd. Singapore
  2. Panchem Industries Pte. Ltd. Singapore
  3. Sundat (S) Pte. Ltd. Singapore
  4. Shawarat Manufacturer’s (S) Pte. Ltd. Singapore
  5. Jaishil Sulphur and Chemical Industries, India
  6. Sulphur Mills Limited, India
  7. Zagro Chemical, Malaysia
  8. Chengdu Newsun Crop Science Co.,Ltd, China.
  9. Limin Chemicals Co., Ltd. China
  10. Shandong Qiaochang Modern Int. Co. Ltd. China
  11. Shandong Sino Agri united Biotech Co. ltd. China
  12. Shandong united Pesticide Ind. ltd. China
  13. Jiangsu Inter-China Agro-chemicals Co.,Ltd. China
  14. Rainbow (Shanghai) Chemical Co. China
  15. E-Tong Chemical Co. Ltd. China
sulphur mill
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Name of PrincipalAddressYear of Business StartProduct
Asiatic Agricultural Industries Pte. Ltd. Singapore150 Gul Circle
Singapore 628974E-mail : aaipl@asiaticind.com.sg
Website : www.asiaticind.com.sg
19941. Ridweed-RP
2.  Activar 25EC
3.  Porishker 10WP
4.  Vitabryl 85WP
5.  Benefit 20EC
6.  Gain 20SL
7.  Gain Super 70WG8. Cyperfos 55EC
9.  Ether Plus 40WG
10.  McZinex 60EC
11.  More 720WP
12.  Carbofuran 5% a.i.
Jaishil Sulphur & Chemical Industries212/213, Navjivan (Mandvi), 125 kazi Sayed Street, masjid (W), Mumbai-400003, IndiaE-mail : jaishil@vsnl.net
Website : www.jaishilsulphur.com
20111. McVit 80DF
Shawarat Manuf.(S) Pte. Ltd.70, Shenton Way, #18-01 Marina House, Singapore-079118
E-mail: shawarat@gmail.com
Website : www.shawarat.com.sg
20021.  Abom 1.8EC
Sundat (S) Pte. Ltd.26, Gul Crescent,
E-mail : sundat@singnet.com.sg
Website : www.sundat.com
19881. Sunoxanil 42WP
2. Sabion 60EC
3. Sunmerin 10EC
4.  Sunvalerate 20EC
5. Sunzoxy 32.5SC
6. Knowin 50WP
7. Sunthrin 2.5EC
8. Sumite 57EC
9. Suntap 50SP
10. Alumphos 56%
11. Sunwell 5EC
12. Sunvit 50WP
13. Sunoxanil 42WP
14. Sunfighter 25SXC15. Sunchance 18WP16. Sunfinity 50.75 WP etc.
Sulphur Mills Limited, India604 / 605, 349 – Business Point, Western Express Highway, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069, INDIA
E-mail :n.danak@sulphurmills.com
Website : www.sulphurmills.com
20091. Polysuf 80WP
2. McTara 25WG
3. Polyco 50WP
Shangdong Qiaochang Chemical Co. Ltd., ChinaNo. 713 Huanghe, 2 Road Binzhou, Shandong, China 20131. 2,4-D Weeder
2. Weedoxone
Panchem Industries Pte. Ltd.Unit H, Lion City Hotel Complex
15 Tanjong Katong Road
Singapore 436950
20091.  McZinex 60EC
Shandong Sino-Agri United Biotech. Co. Ltd.28, Sangyuan Road Jinan, Shandong, China, P.C. 25010020141. Nyzin 80WDG,2. Pyrin 20WP,3. Abom Super 3EW4. Thiza 20SL etc.
Zagro Chemical, MalaysiaKenya Zagro East Africa Limited L.R. No. 209/407/7, Jadala Place, Malaysia2008McZidan 80WP
Chengdu Newsun Crop Science Co.,Ltd.Room 801, Huada Trade
Mansion, No.266 Wuhouci street, Chengdu,Sichuan, China (610041)www.cdxzy.com
20151. Pullet (Pymetrozine 50% Effervescent tablet)2. Natural Brassinolide 0.1%SP
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